Created by katja blichfeld and ben sinclair, this web series that inspired the hbo series explores the intriguing, often eccentric private lives of dozens of new yorkers with one connection. High maintenance web series on marijuana deliveryman draws buzz cbs this morning. Watch high maintenance, a web series about a weed dealer. But for the last couple of years, high maintenance has thrived. Genres comedy subtitles english cc audio languages english. High maintenance season 1 trailer 2016 new hbo series. High maintenance web series on marijuana deliveryman. Created by katja blichfeld and ben sinclair, this web series that inspired the hbo series explores the intriguing, often eccentric private lives of. In 2017, the web series may be the new tv pilot the verge. Ben sinclair did a lot of research for high maintenance. From the web series to tv, high maintenance had told a ton of. High maintenance web series on marijuana deliveryman draws buzz duration.
A reporter pitches a story about marriage and inadvertently strains her own relationship. Probably the most well known web series successstory is shortform comedy high. High maintenance is coming soon to hbo for 6 new episodes. This is similar to how it was in the web series, but on a much larger scale. High maintenances ben sinclair has a couple hundred youtube. High maintenance official website for the hbo series. The creators of high maintenance just want the show. High maintenance web series ben sinclair arthur meyer ben sinclair 2012 inspired by the hbo series, this web series explores the private lives of dozens of new yorkers that all have one connection, their weed dealer.
I just found this show about a month ago and then, threw minor wiki research, learned it started as web series. High maintenance is an american anthology comedydrama television and web series created by exhusband and wife team ben sinclair and katja blichfeld. Based on the web series from katja blichfeld and ben sinclair, high maintenance stars sinclair as the guy, a bikeriding, weeddelivery salesman with an eclectic variety of brooklyn clients. Make a youtube web series to get noticed as a filmmaker. A simple search for web series on youtube garners 41. Its hard to imagine ben sinclairs high maintenance charactera weed delivery guy known only as. As more web series are posted online, more are getting noticed. Based on the web series from katja blichfeld and ben sinclair, high maintenance stars sinclair as the guy, a bikeriding, weeddelivery salesman with an. High maintenance web series get season 1 on youtube. The advancement of video camera technology occasioned by the rise of dslrs has given rise to highquality low budget work, while the shifting television. Based on the web series from katja blichfeld and ben sinclair, high maintenance stars sinclair as the guy, a bikeriding, weeddelivery. There is about 19 episodes i am missing out on and cant find them anywhere. Watch high maintenance, a web series about a weed dealer and his colorful customers. All 19 previous episodes of high maintenance will be made available on hbo, hbo now and hbo go.
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